Wednesday, April 8, 2009


So I'm all alone in the house. And I'm very very very annoyed by this freaking Anwar!!!! Can somebody ask him to stop messaging me? I mean, we're from different channel. I just can't change my channel - my language. How does he can expect me to sms in Malay? I'm sorry. But I'm just not having fun chatting like that. 1 more thing. Please stop miss calling me midnight? haiz... no.1 It so rude that he misscall like that. no.2 My mum's starting to suspect me of having a boyfriend since got once she answered his line. And I'll be in deep trouble. no.3 He's not the one i'm waiting for to misscall me or sms me. If "he" does do that, I won't mind letting him disturb me =D~ But anyways~ It's just a false dream~

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