Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sick! T.T!

This has been going for bout 2 days. i can't eat i can't swallow. And it's making me going NUTS!! >"< call =".="><" I've been eating porridge yesterday and today morning and night. It felt kinda bored. But for my bday, I MUST BE PATIENCE! ><" (12 Aug) Well, not exactly i will celebrate on that day, coz my mum say it's bad luck celebrating on the ghost's month. Actually, she's just making excuses to wait for her hubby to return and celebrate with her. hahaha. on Aug15, my didi will be 1 yr old!! Congrats small brat! Happy birthday to Bryan!!! But you are so naughty... ><" why can't u just be a Baby ><"

I went to see a doctor today. He said that I have thoncer...*sore throat.. But something strange... that is I don't feel feverish.. Just pain. OuCh ><" he advised me to drink more water. Hello??! I've been drinking a cow this morning. Not to mention, visiting the toilet more than 10 times in just only the mornings. ><" Haven't count afternoon and night. haha. I drank 3cups of honey and 2 cups of water. who won't visit that toilet more often? ><"

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